07 jun 2002 tague made a new mochi release: mochi 0.1.1 with a collection of recent fixes and tweaks
28 nov 2001 moogle 1.0c is out, with a bunch of bugfixes and stuff
24 nov 2001 meko 0.10.1 is out, hot on the heels of jenova, with idle support and more features & bugfixes
23 nov 2001 a new jenova release (jenova 0.6.2) with support for client-determined idle time and some fixups for eventual channel support; also get libsay2 0.5.5
20 nov 2001 the old has been renamed to moogle 1.0b, and has a new release with .say2rc and cork support
04 nov 2001 a brand spankin' new release of meko 0.10.0 (the gnome say2 gui client) from scott
03 nov 2001 bugfix releases of jenova 0.6.1 and libsay2 0.5.4
07 oct 2001 1.0 is released -- it's the replacement for, and it has buddy list support and cool stuff like that.
09 sep 2001 jenova 0.6.0 with buddy lists and libsay2 0.5.3 with shared lib support are released!
12 aug 2001 jenova 0.5.1 and libsay2 0.5.2 are released, with mostly bugfixes
26 jul 2001 mochi 0.1 (the java client) is released -- lots of new stuff since the last snapshot
05 jul 2001 a plethora of new releases: jenova 0.5.0 (with stored message and session attach/detach support), mud-server 0.4.2, 0.4.6, and libsay2 0.5.1 -- all in the archive
17 jun 2001 another release of meko: 0.5.0 -- fast work!
07 jun 2001 scott released meko 0.3.0 (gtk+ gui client!)
  older news...


getting the code:
how to checkout anonymously
recent snapshots of say2 servers and clients

protocol documentation:
enaml.txt -- Enaml is the meta-protocol (like XML or ASN1) that say2 is built on
protocol.txt -- more verbose explanation of how to talk to say2 servers (and clients)
protocol-presence.txt -- explanation of how presence detection works

using say2:
bug tracking (now with bugzilla!)
create an account on

mailing list:

Thank you for your interest!